I will be have four works in the Streatham Tate Library, as part of the Streatham Arts Festival, from October 13th - 22nd. If I can unwarp it I will also be showing “Landfill” [last seen at Sprout Arts this summer] in St Leonards Church. I will also have this new, as yet unnamed, unfinished piece in the window of Charles Carter Hair, alongside some work by Martin Grover. These will be part of the Arts Trail around Streatham, for which I imagine there will be a map.
I also hope to have a couple of my “Non-Places” paintings in the Woodfield Pavilion from the 13th until the end of the month. But before all that happens, this new piece, “Dereliction of Duty” will part of the Wandsworth Open House show at Sprout Community Arts from October 3rd - 15th.
And, finally, This one will be heading to New Zealand to be part of a pop-up show in Auckland, curated by my arty neighbour Luana Asiata to coincide with her own exhibition there.
Hopefully, some of you can get along to SW16 and spot some of these works in the wild!